Medical Lab Assistant

Medical Lab Assistant

Medical Lab Assistants play a critical role in the healthcare sector, supporting laboratory operations and contributing to accurate diagnostic processes.

The demand for skilled Medical Lab Assistants is steadily growing, driven by the aging baby-boomer population and increased demand for medical services.

With a positive career outlook, salaries for Medical Lab Assistants typically range from $55,000 to $120,000 annually.

Completion of this program qualifies students to pursue a Medical Laboratory Assistant (CMLA) certification, which can enhance job opportunities and foster long-term success in the field.


Duration: 9 months

Outcome: Diploma in Allied Healthcare

Cost: $2500

What You’ll Learn:

  • Health science careers are not only in high demand, but they offer a diverse range of careers for all types of people interested in helping others. Acquire foundational knowledge required to pursue a career in the healthcare industry, and the education, training, and credentials needed to attain them. Learn basic medical terminology, principles of anatomy and physiology, and legal and ethical responsibilities. Explore communication, teamwork, and leadership techniques – providing a solid basis for those wanting to advance through the health sciences.

    Unit 1: Considering a Career in Healthcare? Finding the Right Role

    A rewarding career is something every young person would like to look forward to. And while health science careers are secure, as even during economic downturns everyone needs health care, an even more exciting aspect to careers in this field are the various types of work available for all different kinds of people—introverts and extroverts, the mechanically-minded, caregivers, visual thinkers, good organizers, and especially those who work well under high stress. Not only can people with different personality types find a good career in this area, but also many entry-level positions are in demand and that can lead to higher-paying jobs with more experience and further training. Health science is truly an exciting and versatile industry to explore—so let’s start the journey and discover the many career options in healthcare!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the concepts of the five career pathways in health science and provide examples of jobs in each category

    • Compare the roles and contributions of different members of a healthcare team

    • Research and assess the level of education and training required for specific healthcare jobs

    • Develop a logical potential career path in health sciences

    Unit 2: Healthcare Today: The Business of Caring

    Unique! Uneven! High-cost! Hybrid! Best in the world! These and many other phrases have been used to describe the healthcare system in the United States. There is some truth to all those statements, and with the complexity of our healthcare system, you can say lots more about it. Let’s learn how the many parts of the US system of healthcare fit together to deliver care to a diverse population. From the facilities to the levels of care, we will move on to consider how health insurance and government agencies fit into this complicated system. We’ll also take a dip into the history of medicine, explore the present, and even look at some of the changes that we expect to see in the future of healthcare.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Compare the services of different healthcare settings

    • Explain the government’s role in the US healthcare system

    • Distinguish between the delivery models of HMOs, PPOs, EPOs, and POSs

    • Analyze the economic factors affecting healthcare

    • Trace the origins of current health treatments to older practices from many cultures

    Unit 3: Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Terminology in a Nutshell

    It’s all Greek to me! That’s a phrase you won’t need to say after you dip your toe into the world of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology. Learning about the body is fun, but it is also exciting to be able to describe things using the precise terms that are used in the healthcare professions. We’ll learn the basic structure and function of the human body, giving you a foundation for all that you will learn in the future. Then we’ll journey into terminology, breaking words down into their parts to make them easy to understand. Mandibular fossa, anyone? Just a part of the jaw. How about cardiopulmonary resuscitation? You may already know that one is CPR, the lifesaving technique to restart the heart and breathing. Soon, you’ll know how to decipher any medical term you come across, no matter how complicated it looks!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Trace the hierarchy of the structure of the human body, from atoms up to the whole organism

    • Distinguish between anatomy and physiology, and discuss the relationship of these two fields of study

    • Explain homeostasis and give three examples of this process

    • Describe the position and direction of movement in anatomical terminology

    • Decipher complex medical terms and build medical terms from prefixes, roots, and suffixes

    Unit 4: Growth and Development Throughout the Life Span

    The cycle of life—from birth to death—is a process of change and growth. Each stage brings challenges but also accomplishments and joy. Each of us is on this journey of life, and here, we will trace the needs of the tiniest humans up to their great-grandparents, and everyone in between. We will look at what each stage of life needs, physically, psychologically, and socially. We will also learn two of the most prominent theories about growth and psychological motivation: Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Hop on for the ride and get an overview of the development of a human being through the lifespan.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the physical, emotional, and social needs of babies, toddlers, teenagers, and adults

    • Predict healthcare needs throughout the lifespan

    • Debate the value of Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development in modern times

    • Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to understand what motivates human behavior

    Unit 5: Health and Wellness

    Medical professionals only work with people who are injured and unwell, right? Wrong! Health follows a continuum from optimal wellness to severe illness and everything in between. Today’s health professionals also focus on helping people develop healthy habits to increase their wellness. From eating well and exercising to minimizing exposure, to substances and diseases, allied health workers can improve the health of a whole population with small interventions. Concentrating on physical, emotional, and social health can be an enjoyable part of any health profession as it focuses on planning for health rather than waiting for illness to set in.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Integrate healthy eating and regular exercise into daily habits

    • Assess and avoid the risks associated with using substances like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs

    • Reflect on the emotional reactions to illness and the stages of grief

    • Apply wellness principles to improve health and plan for wellness

    • Link the effects of chronic stress to physical health and strategize interventions for stress management

    Unit 6: Effective Communication in Healthcare

    “What’s up, doc?” We all communicate every day, through the words we speak and write and also through the gestures and expressions of our bodies. In healthcare, communication is key to serving patients—as errors are costly. Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, and up to 30 percent of all malpractice cases report communication error as a factor. So it pays to have every healthcare worker learn the techniques needed to communicate effectively and clearly. In addition, learning to communicate no matter the barriers—whether cultural or physical or as a result of how one communicates—means that important objective and subjective information can be collected and used to treat patients. Once the information is gathered, it will be time to report the data, in both written and oral formats. With that, we will have a great start in learning how to communicate in healthcare settings.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Deconstruct communication using the sender-receiver model

    • Experiment with active listening and using open-ended questions in personal and school life

    • Articulate barriers to communication in healthcare settings, including cultural factors

    • Adapt your body language to build trust in a professional setting

    • Categorize objective and subjective data and report events in the order of occurrence

    Unit 7: Health and the Law

    What would you do if a patient refused treatment that would save their life? How would you handle it if your best friend asked you questions about a patient at your clinic? Just because someone is a patient does not mean they are passive—patients participate in their care and they have rights. Respecting patient rights and autonomy is an important part of the job. Get the inside scoop on informed consent and that weird beast of a law—HIPAA—that helps keep patient records confidential. Knowledge is power, so learn the laws that apply to the health professions and learn how to protect yourself from criminal or civil liability. Plus, find out what employment laws will keep you safe and happy on the job.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Advocate for your rights as a patient

    • Explain the components of HIPAA to keep patient information safe

    • Debate the legality of actions a healthcare worker might take

    • Role-play situations with legal and ethical implications for health workers

    • List workplace rights and responsibilities that apply to healthcare employees

    Unit 8: Ethical Responsibilities

    Do the right thing! That’s what we should all do all the time, but in healthcare, there are ethical guidelines that help us figure out what that ‘right thing’ is. Complex matters of life and death come up every day in healthcare settings, providing ethical dilemmas that require thought and consideration to sort out. Thankfully, each profession and each healthcare institution has a code of ethics to help workers find the most beneficial and least harmful course of action. Learning how to recognize and deal with ethical dilemmas, from the life-threatening to the daily small decisions, is something that all healthcare professionals can use. These ethical conundrums are some of what make the healthcare field so interesting and challenging, no matter what career you choose. Fasten your seatbelts and come along as we explore ethics in the practice of healthcare.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Apply ethical principles to healthcare decisions

    • Compare and contrast the scope of practice and codes of ethics

    • Debate the ethics of technological advances in healthcare

    • Reflect on how empathy is related to ethical principles in healthcare

    Required Materials

    • Computer with internet access, a slideshow program (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc., and a word processing program (Microsoft Word, etc.)

    • Digital camera or camera phone with photo and video/audio capabilities

    • Large piece of paper or poster board

    • Markers, pencils, and other drawing/writing implements

    • Drawing paper or magazines to cut up

    • Glue or tape

    • Scissors

    • A volunteer (friend, family member, neighbor, etc.)

  • Making sure that you, your patients, and your colleagues stay safe, you’ll begin analyzing your responsibilities for ensuring patient and personal safety with special attention paid to emergency procedures. Examine infection control, first-aid, CPR, and measuring a patient’s vitals. Learn about numerical data, such as systems of measurement, medical math, and reading and interpreting charts. And examine effective teamwork and leadership characteristics while building your employment skills.

    Unit 1: Health, Safety, Security

    Every workplace has dangers, but the risks that occur in healthcare settings are part of the everyday jobs of every player on the healthcare team. From taking care of the safety of vulnerable patients to taking care of your health so you can continue to help people, there are many things to learn about applying safety measures while working to improve the health of those in your community. Implementing standard precautions and following all hazard warnings, including reading SDSs for the chemicals you use, will ensure safer conduct. When there is an emergency, you not only need to respond to protect yourself but to operate as part of the response to any threat. Finally, we look at how to reduce medical errors in healthcare settings, creating a culture of safety on the job.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify and manage safety hazards in a healthcare setting

    • Implement proper body mechanics while moving patients

    • Explain how different government agencies contribute to safety in healthcare

    • Prepare for and respond to emergencies

    • Analyze a problem using root cause analysis

    Unit 2: Infection Control

    How do we get sick? Tracing the chain of infection, we will learn how pathogens can invade and cause illness. We will learn how the body defends itself and the steps that each person can take to help stop the spread of infection. Something as simple as handwashing is the strongest weapon against pathogens, helping ordinary people and healthcare workers to keep germs at bay. But healthcare workers have a special duty to fight the spread of disease, being in the center of infection control—and with the power to fight the spread of disease, both to themselves and to the public at large.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Summarize the chain of infection

    • Compare levels of cleaning in a healthcare setting

    • Recommend when and how to cleanse hands in a healthcare setting

    • Differentiate between standard precautions and transmission-based precautions

    • Link infection control practices to the fight against drug-resistant infections

    Unit 3: Bloodborne Pathogens

    Jobs in healthcare are on the front lines of the fight against the spread of pathogens, and none more important than the serious bloodborne diseases caused by HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. We will learn the proper techniques for putting on and taking off PPE to stay safe from bloodborne and other pathogens. Each step done properly can stop a deadly pathogen in its tracks. In addition, we will dig into what community members can do to prevent exposure or access resources if they are exposed to a bloodborne disease.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Assess the risks posed by the most common bloodborne pathogens in the United States

    • Describe how bloodborne pathogens can spread in healthcare settings

    • Reconstruct the steps for properly putting on PPE

    • Explain the reasons for safely disposing of biohazardous waste

    • Summarize the most risky behaviors for transmission of bloodborne diseases, both in a healthcare setting and in the community

    Unit 4: Signs of Life: Vital Signs and CPR

    The signs of life, or what we call vital signs, are the ways we can sense the mysterious quality we call “life” in a body. The right temperature, the beating of the heart, the in and out of respiration, and the pressure with which blood pumps throughout our bodies are the ways we can tell that we are alive. Anytime any one of the vital signs deviates from the normal range, it can signal a serious health problem, so healthcare workers check on these signs of life very frequently, looking for any early sign of an ailment that they can help. Knowing how to properly check these measurements and record them is an integral part of most healthcare jobs. In an emergency, when these signs are not present or are wavering, learning CPR and first aid will mean that you can help keep these vital signs going, keeping a person alive until advanced medical care can take over.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Measure and assess body temperature readings, integrating knowledge about thermoregulation

    • Trace the changes in breathing and pulse rates throughout the lifespan

    • Appraise the relationship between the oxygen saturation of the blood and other vital signs

    • Summarize the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings

    • Describe the effects that CPR can have on a patient in cardiac arrest

    Unit 5: Data, Measurement, and Math

    It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to apply math skills to healthcare calculations that are used every day. Fractions, decimals, and converting measurements are numerical tools that healthcare workers use all the time. Measuring time, temperature, height, weight, distance, angle, and many other parameters provide valuable data for treating patients or analyzing public health problems. Once that important data is collected, turning it into a visually interesting graph, table, diagram, or chart can help healthcare professionals and their patients understand this information quickly and easily.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Distinguish between ratios and percentages

    • Name the units of measurement in imperial and metric systems

    • Convert between imperial and metric measurements

    • Calculate body mass index

    • Interpret charts, diagrams, graphs, and tables to use numeric information

    Unit 6: Technology in Healthcare

    Information technology as well as simple and advanced technologies used in diagnosing and treating patients plays a crucial role in medicine today. From stethoscopes to CT scanners, all this tech requires skilled, observant workers to correctly operate and maintain. But some of the biggest changes that tech brings to healthcare are in the electronic health records (EHRs) that store all types of patient information so medical professionals can help patients to optimize their health. Of course, along with the ease of using EHRs comes the danger of compromising patient privacy—either by posting about your work on social media (a big no-no!) or simply sending a record to the wrong person. Learning how to appropriately handle medical records is therefore of the utmost importance – let’s dive in!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the different types of technology used to diagnose, treat, and track patient health

    • Troubleshoot simple computer problems

    • Summarize the different parts of an electronic health record (EHR)

    • Evaluate the reliability of health resources on the web

    • Explain steps to keep protected health information (PHI) safe as an allied health professional

    Unit 7: Teamwork and Leadership

    Healthcare is a team sport—each person on the team has a job, and if they all work together effectively, the goal of high-quality patient care can be met. Everyone wins when the team pulls together. But just what can each person do to be a great team member? Read on for some great teamwork tips, as well as guidance on how to become a leader. Leadership can be practiced whether you are a member of a team or leading a team. When the team comes into conflict, there are some basic strategies to manage and resolve issues so everyone can continue to work towards the goal of health for the community.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Analyze the roles of different healthcare team members

    • List and explain the characteristics of good teams

    • Lead or participate effectively in meetings

    • Recognize resistance to change in patients and colleagues

    • Apply conflict resolution techniques to disagreements

    Unit 8: Employability in Healthcare

    The healthcare industry has the most jobs of any sector of the US economy. Students who can demonstrate both competent skills and strong “soft” skills will likely become valuable team members. Enthusiasm, integrity, and a strong work ethic will impress potential employers, so improving these qualities in oneself is an important part of preparing for a career. Read on for some tips regarding how to find and successfully apply for job opportunities in the field.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Present a professional image through behavior, appearance, and demeanor

    • Demonstrate work-ready characteristics and habits such as punctuality, dependability, discretion, and flexibility

    • Analyze your career goals and assess their feasibility

    • Evaluate and interpret employment opportunities in healthcare

    • Create elements of a career portfolio

    Required Materials

    • Computer with internet access, a word processing program, and a slideshow program

    • Printer or access to a printer

    • Video recording device (camera phone or computer camera)

    • Two family members or friends to volunteer in videos

    • Soap, water, and a sink

    • Hand sanitizer

    • Basic cleaning supplies

    • Standard growth chart from CDC or WHO

    • Bathroom scale

    • Measuring Tape

    • Various household items to use as props to demonstrate infection control techniques (needles/sharps disposal)

    • Long coat/shirt to act as a gown

    • Professional attire (1 outfit)

    • Gloves (single-use latex or vinyl)

    • Goggles

    • Face mask

  • Whether you plan on pursuing a career in health sciences or simply looking to gain an understanding of how the human body works, you’ll first need to understand the relationship between anatomy and physiology. Learn how to read your body’s story by understanding cell structure and their processes, and discover the functions and purposes of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, as well as diseases that affect those systems.

    Unit 1: Human Body Organization

    While Anatomy and Physiology courses are required for students beginning their journeys to a career in health science, they can also be of great value to others who simply want to improve their health and well-being. Just as it’s easier to navigate a foreign country if you understand the language spoken, it’s easier to navigate the human body if you understand the terminology related to the forms and functions of this fascinating area of study. If you’re lost in Italy, hopefully, you have a translation app. If you’re lost and trying to figure out how one symptom might be a clue to a larger problem in a patient, this material will help you navigate your way through body systems.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define and discuss the terms anatomy and physiology and their relationship to one another

    • Describe the levels of organization of the human body from simple to complex

    • Define and describe the anatomical positions and directional terms used in human anatomy

    • Locate and describe the main regions, sections, and cavities of the body

    Unit 2: Chemistry of the Body

    Remember how we talked about one cell being smaller than a period? It’s mind-blowing to think that something so small has so much control over all of our body systems. There are over 200 different types of cells in the body that make up a total of 100 TRILLION cells in one person. Think about it for a minute: that number is the number 1 followed by 14 zeroes!

    Let’s take a look at how cells are designed to make sure the human body stays healthy and balanced. Understanding cell design and reproduction is key to understanding how each body system works and how they interact to sustain life.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Summarize the relationships among homeostasis, control systems, and feedback loops

    • Explain the structure and function of typical cells

    • Explain mitosis and meiosis: their similarities and differences

    • Describe and discuss how damage to one type of cell and/or tissue may impact the function of other cells and tissues

    Unit 3: The Skeletal System

    Can you imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have any bones and were only made up of muscle and skin? You wouldn’t be able to walk very well, type on the keyboard, or, certainly, be able to dance! There are 206 bones in the adult human skeleton. When we are born, we have more than 250 bones in our bodies, and as we grow and develop, some of the smaller bones fuse to form stronger, longer, and less pliable bones. The skeleton is not only what determines the shape and size of an individual, but it allows us to walk upright and perform the activities of daily life.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the structure and function of bones

    • Identify the different types of bones

    • Differentiate between the axial and appendicular skeleton

    • Classify joints and their specific functions

    • Summarize common diseases and disorders of the skeletal system

    Unit 4: The Muscular System

    Sit perfectly still while you look at your computer screen. You might think that none of your muscles are moving, but they are. The diaphragm, the sheet of muscle that rests under your lungs, is contracting and relaxing to facilitate your breathing when you’re at rest or in motion. Muscles also perform other functions that you may not have considered; not only does the muscular system move your limbs, it also interacts with other body systems to support vital movements around your body. Let’s see what muscles do for you.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the structure and function of muscles and muscle tissue

    • Describe the sliding filament theory

    • Interpret the names of various muscles based on Latin terms

    • Distinguish between a muscle strain and other muscle injuries

    Unit 5: The Nervous System

    Snap your fingers. Can you imagine that in the time it took you to snap, a nerve impulse could travel the length of a football field? Now, think about an amazingly fast relay race. Your nervous system is like a relay: the baton gets passed from one group of cells to the next to deliver a message with lightning speed. It’s not one individual who carries the baton the length of the football field; it’s multiple people passing the baton across the length of the impulse to make the movement or sensation happen. Once you examine all the individual parts of the nervous system and how they work together, you’ll appreciate how fascinating it is.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Outline the organization and functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems

    • Locate and identify the major regions of the brain and describe their functions

    • Analyze the basic structure and functions of the cranial nerves, spinal cord, and special sense organs

    • Discuss common diseases and disorders of the neurological system

    Unit 6: The Integumentary System

    The integumentary system is one of the most unappreciated in the body. Most people might guess that the brain, heart, or lungs are the most important organs in the body, but the integumentary system plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis and protecting all of these other important organs. Let’s learn what makes the integumentary system so important.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Analyze the structure and function of the integumentary systems

    • Discuss potential alterations in skin integrity

    • Demonstrate the knowledge and skill related to performing effective hand hygiene

    • Identify and analyze common diseases and disorders of the integumentary system

    Unit 7: Essential Knowledge About Blood

    Have you ever accidentally cut yourself so badly that your blood started to pool? As horrifying as that experience can be, it’s also fascinating to consider exactly what that deep red liquid is. Blood is a tissue that is made up of millions and millions of cells and chemicals that are dissolved within it. Like other body systems, it has multiple intricate parts that work together to perform functions within its assigned body system and coordinate activities with other body systems. It’s the levels of the various components of blood, the path they take to circulate in the body, and their relationship with our heart and lungs that contribute to maintaining homeostasis.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Distinguish between the various types of blood vessels

    • Demonstrate knowledge of the composition of blood

    • Identify the different ABO compatibilities

    • Describe various disorders and diseases of the blood and its components

    Unit 8: The Cardiovascular System and The Heart

    We’ve all seen images on television of someone dramatically grabbing their chest and dropping to the ground, presumably having a heart attack. These significant injuries are a result of problems within the heart that are similar to the flickering of electricity in a room or clogged pipes in a sink. As you move through this unit, you will learn about the power grid and the plumbing in the heart, what happens when they are in top condition, and what happens when there is a service disruption.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the structure and function of the heart and circulatory pathways

    • Compare and contrast systemic and pulmonary circulation

    • Summarize the path for electrical conduction in the heart

    • Discuss common diseases and disorders that affect the cardiovascular system

    Required Materials


    • Blood pressure monitor

    • Video recording device


    • Presentation software

    • Word processing software


    • Helper


    • Art supplies

    • Audio recording device

    • Digital camera

    • Graphic design software

    • Spreadsheet software

    • Writing supplies

  • Examine the form and function of even more body systems. Learn about the structure, function, and interrelation between the lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and endocrine systems. The reproductive system is also discussed along with hereditary traits and genetics. And discover the importance of accurate patient documentation as well as the technology used in the industry.

    Unit 1: The Lymphatic and Immune System

    As you’ve already learned, the lymphatic and immune system is one of the major body systems. Some texts will label this body system as simply ‘lymphatic’ and exclude the immune system perhaps because you can’t see it. For this course, however, we’re going to combine the lymphatic and immune systems so that you develop an understanding of how these two systems work together to protect the human body from bacteria, viruses, and harmful cells within the body (in autoimmune disease and cancer for example).

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the structure and function of the immune system

    • Compare and contrast the different types of immunity

    • Explain the relationship between the lymphatic and circulatory systems

    • Discuss common diseases and disorders of the lymphatic and immune system (etiology, prevention, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation)

    Unit 2: The Respiratory System

    The respiratory system is important. All cells of the body require energy, and this energy cannot be obtained through chemical reactions without oxygen. The respiratory system not only provides the route to collect the oxygen that is used in each of the metabolic processes that sustain life, but it also provides the route to rid the body of carbon dioxide, the by-product of many of these metabolic processes. In this unit, you will examine the structures that support the respiratory system, explore how oxygen is brought to the sites of cellular metabolism to help maintain homeostasis and learn what happens when the respiratory system is compromised. Now, take a deep breath and read on.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system

    • Compare and contrast ventilation and respiration

    • Explain gas exchange

    • Discuss common diseases and disorders of the respiratory system (etiology, prevention, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation)

    Unit 3: The Digestive System

    The digestive system is quite familiar to us since we are aware that we use it several times a day. There are so many mechanical and chemical processes, however, that take place to ensure the food we eat is digested and absorbed for use by the body. We might not realize just how complex and critical this body system is. Prepare to be amazed.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organization of the digestive system

    • Explain the structure and function of the digestive system

    • Discuss the six digestive processes and the digestive enzymes

    • Describe diseases and disorders of the digestive system

    Unit 4: The Urinary System

    We might not enjoy speaking about the functions of the urinary system in our everyday lives, but this body system is critical to our health and to our body’s ability to maintain homeostasis. It’s important to understand the urinary system but also the important relationships between this system and others, such as the circulatory system. Did you know that the bladder can hold 1000 ml—or one whole liter—of urine?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organization of the urinary system

    • Explain the structure and function of the urinary system at both a macro and micro level

    • Compare and contrast the female and male urinary systems

    • Explain how urine is formed and excreted from the body

    • Describe diseases and disorders of the urinary system

    Unit 5: The Reproductive System and Genetics

    The differences between men and women enable us to create unique and precise human offspring. How can we predict what diseases individuals will have, and how specifically do human beings grow from being tiny cells of fertilization? It’s truly fascinating to consider that each of us exists based on odds similar to winning the lottery. When someone tells you that you’re one in a million, you’re going to respond, “No, I’m one in fifteen million.” Read on to find out why!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Compare and contrast the organization of the male and female reproductive systems

    • Explain the structure and function of the reproductive system

    • Discuss genes and chromosomes from conception to birth

    • Understand how a negative is used to create an image print

    • Describe common diseases and disorders of the reproductive system

    Unit 6: The Endocrine System

    This is the last body system that you will explore in this course. Have you decided yet which one you feel is the most important? Which one, if it fails, will impact a person’s life the most? Have you thought about whether breathing is more important than the message the brain sends to the lungs to act breathing? Is your decision firm? What if you now learn that two organ systems work together more than any others to maintain homeostasis? Would this change your mind? In this unit, you are going to learn about the intricate ways that the glands and organs of the endocrine system work with the nervous system to ensure that all the hormone, electrolyte, and fluid levels are kept in balance. After working through this unit, you’ll be asked which is truly your favorite unit and the one that you believe plays the most important role in sustaining life.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organization of the endocrine system

    • Explain the structure and function of organs of the endocrine system

    • Explain how the endocrine system maintains homeostasis

    • Describe diseases and disorders of the endocrine system

    Unit 7: Assessing and Documenting Anatomy and Physiology

    Have you ever read a journal or a personal memoir? Even a newspaper that recalls a series of events? If you have, you know that what makes them complete and informative is detail. The use of dates, times, and specific words helps the reader understand exactly what is being described by the author. A complete health assessment allows a healthcare provider to develop a full story or sequence of events that apply to a person’s situation. The recording of this information on paper or electronically ensures that care can be provided in a consistent, safe way.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the purposes of a healthcare record

    • Discuss legal guidelines for documentation

    • Describe confidentiality and the laws that govern patient privacy

    • Describe the different methods of data collection

    • Conduct a health history

    • Organize a basic body systems physical assessment

    Unit 8: The Science & Technology of Anatomy & Physiology

    You’ve already learned that anatomy and physiology courses are required for students who are beginning their journey to a career in health science or for individuals who want to improve their health and well-being. Along this journey, you may have had questions about where it all began and what the proof is behind certain things that you read, or maybe you’ve even questioned why you would possibly need to know some of this material. This unit will bring you back to the beginnings of anatomy and physiology as a science and hopefully answer some of the remaining questions you have about why anatomy and physiology is important. You’ll also explore more about the various healthcare careers that use anatomy and physiology as a foundational tool in their scopes of practice.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the history of anatomy and physiology as a science

    • Distinguish between the scopes of practice of various healthcare professions

    • Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research

    • Discuss examples of different types of research studies that can advance the science of anatomy and physiology

    • Illustrate how healthcare professionals work collaboratively

    Required Materials

    • Word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word)

    • Paper & pencil (optional)

    • Video recording device

    • Access to a variety of substances of various densities and compositions (for percussion); e.g. fruit, hollow surfaces, jugs/cartons with fluid in them, etc.

    • Choice of Software

      - slideshow creator

      - video recording

      - audio recording

  • Learning the language is essential for careers in health science. Join word parts to form medical terms, associations within body systems, and better communicate with colleagues and patients. Build your proficiency and confidence with this course and prepare yourself for a career in health sciences.

    Unit 1: Word Elements: Where It All Begins

    Medical terminology is a language unique to a specialized field. To better understand medical terms, you need to first get to know the origin of words, how to dissect them, and how to build them. Part of this dissection and building process involves learning word parts and how to put those pieces together. In this unit, we will learn prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms. We will also learn about the origins of words that cannot be broken down using traditional methods. Additionally, we’ll explore how some of these terms are abbreviated and cases in which these abbreviations are not acceptable practice. So, let’s start putting the pieces of the puzzle together and learn more about this special language!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the components making up a medical term and the process for defining a word using those components

    • Explain uses for prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms

    • Recognize commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms

    • Identify common medical abbreviations as well as those on the Do Not Use List

    • Describe the origin of an eponym and give examples of common eponyms

    Unit 2: The Building Blocks of the Body

    The body is an amazing structure made up of many cells, tissues, organs, and systems. We can break down the way the body is built from the tiniest structure up to entire body systems. Taken as a whole, we then learn about body movement and the organization of body structures. By studying the cavities, regions, and quadrants of body organization, we can locate organs and other body structures and, by using this organizational system, healthcare providers are better able to pinpoint conditions and accurately communicate with patients. Ready to become an expert in navigating and identifying these structures? Let’s get started!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the building blocks of the body and how they are organized, from cell to system

    • Define anatomic position and terms related to a change in that position

    • Explain terms related to body movement and communicate body planes as related to anatomic position

    • Explain the division of the body into cavities

    • Describe the regions and quadrants of the abdomen and identify organs found in the different cavities, regions, and quadrants

    Unit 3: Move It: Understanding Body Movement

    With so many body parts, we need to be able to describe exactly how each part moves. Medical terms relating to movement allow us to do just that! By exploring the world of body movement, we find different types of movement and different types of joints that make this happen. As part of this world, we’ll learn abbreviations used commonly in medical documentation relating to these body parts and their movements. In addition, we’ll discover the many career possibilities related to the movement of body parts. Ready? Let’s get moving!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define medical terms related to body movement

    • Explain movements using medical terminology

    • Describe types of joints found in the body

    • Identify commonly used abbreviations related to movement

    • Understand occupations related to body movements

    Unit 4: Breathing Easy: The Respiratory System

    Breathing is an essential part of health and body function. The organs of the respiratory system make up a complex tree-like structure that helps us breathe without even thinking about it. To be an effective healthcare provider we must be familiar with the medical terminology that refers to the diseases, conditions, treatments, and tests of this system. We also need to be able to write and translate abbreviations and terms when documenting about this system. Let’s take a deep breath and explore this airy world!

    • What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify and describe the functions of the organs in the respiratory system

    • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the respiratory system

    • Describe diseases and conditions of the respiratory system

    • Explain common treatments and tests used when evaluating conditions of the respiratory system

    • Write and translate abbreviations used in medical documentation for respiratory conditions

    Unit 5: Going with the Flow: The Cardiovascular System

    We feel our heartbeat all the time, but what’s the reason and what’s it really doing? We’ll now explore the cardiovascular system with its organs and find our answers! As we investigate the workings of this system, we’ll learn the medical terms and word parts that describe different areas. As with any part of the body, things can go wrong. Our journey will take us through some of the conditions and diseases of this system, along with tools, tests, and treatments used in this world. Let’s get our blood pumping!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs of the cardiovascular system and their functions

    • Recognize and use the prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the cardiovascular system

    • Identify common diseases and conditions of the cardiovascular system

    • Explain tools, procedures, and tests used in diagnosing and treating the cardiovascular system

    • Use and decode abbreviations commonly used when referring to the cardiovascular system

    Unit 6: Keep Calm and Explore the Nervous System

    With so many organs, tissues, and cells in the body, something must be in control! That’s where the nervous system comes into play. To be an effective healthcare team member, we need to learn the functions of the nervous system, the disorders associated with it, and ways to fix it. We also need to study the language, its word parts, and ways to abbreviate it. So, who’s in control here? Let’s find out on our journey through the nervous system!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the organs of the nervous system and describe their functions

    • Recognize and use prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the nervous system

    • Describe conditions, disorders, and diseases of the nervous system

    • Explain tests, procedures, and treatments used for nervous system conditions

    • Translate and use abbreviations in medical documentation related to the nervous system

    Unit 7: Skin, It’s Got You Covered!

    When you look at someone, what is the main thing you see? Skin is probably not your first answer, but if you think about it, that’s probably the best answer. That’s because skin is the body’s largest organ. There’s more to this world than meets the eye though. Let’s explore this complex world of tiny accessory organs and see just how much work this underrated system does.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify organs in the integumentary system and their functions

    • Translate medical terms associated with the integumentary system using prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms

    • Describe common diseases and conditions associated with the integumentary system

    • Explain tests, procedures, and treatments used for conditions of the integumentary system

    • Use abbreviations associated with the integumentary system

    Unit 8: Hold Me Up: Musculoskeletal System

    What allows us to stand? What protects our vital organs? How do we move? As we journey through the musculoskeletal system, we’ll find the answers to these questions and so much more. Our exploration will help us identify terms, conditions, tests, and treatments for this system. We’ll also work on our skills in decoding abbreviations for this system. Get ready to play detective and find out what’s holding us up!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs of the musculoskeletal system and explain their functions

    • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms used in the musculoskeletal system

    • Explain common conditions and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    • Identify common tests and treatments for conditions and diseases involving the musculoskeletal system

    • Translate abbreviations and other medical documentation using terms related to the musculoskeletal system

    Required Materials


    • Audio recording device

    • Posterboard

    • Video recording device


    • Presentation software

    • Word processing software


    • Art supplies

    • Digital camera

    • Graphic design software

  • Discover the medical terminology associated with even more body systems to increase your ability to master prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Connect this language to real-world patients and clinical settings through practical applications and specific scenarios. Launch your health knowledge with detailed medical terms.

    Unit 1: Waste Away! The Urinary System

    As the body takes in the materials that it needs, there has to be a way to get rid of the materials it doesn’t need. When we explore the urinary system, we’ll find out how this happens. We’ll also look at the word parts, terms, and abbreviations that are commonly used to relay information about this system. As with any complicated system, things can go wrong, so we’ll discuss diseases that affect the urinary system and ways to treat them. Come along as we keep what’s good and waste the rest!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs of the urinary system and how each functions

    • Identify commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and word parts of the urinary system

    • Define common conditions and diseases that affect the urinary system

    • Explain tests and procedures used in treating urinary system conditions

    • Translate medical documentation using abbreviations and medical terminology of the urinary system

    Unit 2: Creating the Future: The Reproductive System

    What makes a male different from a female? As we explore the reproductive system, we’ll learn about the many organs that make these two very different! We’ll improve our translation skills as we look at word parts and abbreviations related to this system. We will also explore the diseases and conditions related to this system and the many ways to treat them. The world of medical terminology is a big one, let’s put together another piece of the puzzle!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe organs of the reproductive system and their functions

    • Identify prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the reproductive system

    • Define common diseases and conditions that affect the reproductive system

    • Explain tests, treatments, and procedures used to treat conditions affecting the reproductive system

    • Translate medical terms and abbreviations related to the reproductive system

    Unit 3: Carry It, Clean It, Fight It: Blood, Lymph, and Immune Systems

    What does blood do other than fill the vessels? What’s it made of? How does the body defend itself against invaders? The answers to these questions lie in the exploration of the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems. These systems are so connected we explore them together! During our exploration, we’ll discover diseases and conditions as well as treatments and tests for these systems. We’ll also add another piece to our medical terminology puzzle as we learn word parts, terms, and abbreviations. Let’s see how the body transports, cleans and defends!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the parts and organs of the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems

    • Identify prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems

    • Define conditions and treatments that affect the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems

    • Explain the tests, treatments, and procedures related to the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems

    • Translate medical documents using medical terminology and abbreviations related to the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems

    Unit 4: Superpowers? No, Special Senses!

    The abilities to see and to hear are remarkable characteristics that allow us to perceive the world differently. These special senses are a lot like superpowers in that they allow us to analyze our surroundings in many ways. As we dig deeper into these senses, we’ll see the conditions and treatments as well as the terminology used to refer to the eyes and ears. As we add this piece of the medical terminology puzzle, we’ll see what kind of powers we have!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs and parts that make up the special senses

    • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms used to make medical terms related to the special senses

    • Identify conditions and diseases that impact the special senses

    • Explain the tests, procedures, and treatments used in diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the special senses

    • Transcribe, translate, and abbreviate medical terminology related to the special senses

    Unit 5: Take What's Needed, Let the Rest Go: The Digestive System

    For humans, food is one of the essential elements needed to survive, but what does the body do with that food once we take it in? We’ll now find out by tracking the course of food through the digestive system to discover the organs and the parts of those organs that make them work properly. We’ll see the many word parts and abbreviations that are used to describe this system, as well as its conditions, diseases, tests, and treatments. This journey takes many twists and turns, let’s start the adventure!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs and functions of the digestive system

    • Recognize the prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms used to describe terms related to the digestive system

    • Identify conditions and diseases that impact the digestive system

    • Explain tests, procedures, and treatments used for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system disorders

    • Translate and abbreviate documentation related to the digestive system

    Unit 6: Taking Control! The Endocrine System

    Have you ever wondered what controls the processes in the body? What makes one thing speed up but later slow down? The answer to these questions is found in the study of the endocrine system. As we explore this complicated world, we’ll investigate the conditions and diseases that occur when things go wrong. We’ll also discover the tools, tests, and treatments to fix those conditions. Before we finish our exploration, we’ll become familiar with the medical language and abbreviations unique to the endocrine system. Let’s find out how the body takes control!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the organs of the endocrine system, including their functions

    • Recognize and use prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms related to the endocrine system

    • Define common diseases and conditions of the endocrine system

    • Explain the tools, tests, and treatments used for diseases and conditions of the endocrine system

    • Translate medical terms and abbreviations related to the endocrine system

    Unit 7: Providing the Foundation: Medical Specialties

    As we’ve seen, the body is made of multiple, complex body systems that require vast knowledge to diagnose and treat. To provide the services needed for the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions, medical specialties rise to the occasion! We’ll now explore the prefixes, suffixes, combining forms, and abbreviations that create the medical terminology for these areas. We’ll also identify the tests, procedures, and treatments provided by each area. Let’s discover the areas that give support and provide a firm foundation for the medical world!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the functions of specialty areas like pharmacology, psychiatry, oncology, genetics, radiology, and pathology

    • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms used in pharmacology, psychiatry, oncology, genetics, radiology, and pathology

    • Identify conditions and diseases diagnosed and treated by pharmacology, psychiatry, oncology, genetics, radiology, and pathology

    • Explain tools, procedures, and treatments used by pharmacology, psychiatry, oncology, genetics, radiology, and pathology

    • Translate medical documents that include medical terminology and abbreviations used by pharmacology, psychiatry, oncology, genetics, radiology, and pathology

    Unit 8: Putting It Together: A Healthcare Perspective

    As we’ve seen throughout our explorations of the various body systems, each has its own set of conditions, tests, treatments, and medical language. When working in the medical world, those systems aren’t always separate. In many cases, patients have complex issues that cross boundaries and require knowledge of all body systems. Let’s now follow a few patients and see things from a healthcare perspective!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify medical terminology of the respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, nervous, and special senses systems

    • Break down medical terms of the respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, nervous, and special senses systems into parts using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms

    • Translate medical documents of the respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, nervous, and special senses systems using knowledge of abbreviations and medical terminology

    • Recognize organs of the respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, nervous, and special senses systems

    • Understand tools, treatments, and tests used for diseases and disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, nervous, and special senses systems

    Required Materials

    Printer paper


    • Laptop or desktop computer

    • Computer speakers

    • Camera or video recorder

    • Printer

    Technical Materials List:

    • Slideshow software

    • Word processing program

    • Video editor

  • From doctors and nurses to x-ray technicians and medical aides, the field of healthcare offers numerous roles that will allow you to make a difference in the lives of patients. In this course, you’ll learn all about the foundations of healthcare from how the industry works around the world, to the different professions that fall within the field. You’ll also learn medical terminology and calculations, the difference between diagnostic and therapeutic careers, and the legal and ethical considerations. Let’s start building the foundation of a healthcare career today!

    Unit 1: A Trip through the Exciting World of Health Care

    Global pandemics, variations in access to health care, political health issues, economic forces, noncommunicable diseases, and environmental changes all influence the world of health care as we know it today. To understand our present, we need to look at the history of this exciting world and the factors that influenced its development. As we’ll see, not all health care is created equal, and health care differs drastically from one area of the world to the next. As we explore the past, present, and future of health care, we’ll see why choosing a career in health science makes perfect sense!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define healthcare and the components that influence healthcare systems

    • Describe types of healthcare systems throughout the world

    • Analyze the United States healthcare system and the agencies that oversee it

    • Evaluate the global impact of disease and the effects of access to quality healthcare

    • Identify the factors that make health care a good career choice

    Unit 2: Adventures in Healthcare Careers

    Do you like technology and working with equipment or do you prefer communicating and working hands-on with patients? Whatever your skills and preferences, the healthcare world has a career for you! As we take an adventure through healthcare careers, we’ll see some skills each one requires and take a glimpse at the types of functions performed daily. We’ll also explore the personal qualities required for these types of careers and workplace expectations for someone in these roles.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe diagnostic health science careers, including duties, skills, and qualifications

    • Identify therapeutic health science careers, including duties, skills, and qualifications.

    • Explain workplace expectations in a healthcare setting

    • Differentiate between job settings in healthcare

    • Analyze key components of different healthcare careers

    Unit 3: Using a New Language

    Have you ever heard someone explain something using technical terms and had no idea what they meant? Industries use everyday language to relay information, and unless you know how the terms apply in that setting, it’s impossible to understand their meaning. The healthcare world is no exception when it comes to language! Communication in health sciences requires understanding and properly using medical terminology and calculations that are part of everyday interactions. Using the new language effectively helps you function in this highly specific world as a valuable team member.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Examine how to decode medical terminology using prefixes, root words, and suffixes

    • Differentiate between commonly used medical abbreviations and abbreviations that should not be used

    • Describe body parts and movements using common medical terms

    • Review common calculations used by healthcare professionals

    Unit 4: Communicate Like a Pro

    No matter what type of health science profession interests you, good communication skills are essential for success. From verbal to nonverbal techniques and personal to professional exchanges, the way we interact with the people around us forms the foundation for whatever we’re trying to accomplish. As we explore the various types of communication, we’ll investigate barriers to communication, cultural awareness, and ways to communicate with special populations. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to communicate like a pro!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Contrast various types of communication and the importance of active listening

    • Describe the components of the communication process

    • Analyze features of effective communication

    • Identify potential barriers to communication and ways to overcome them

    • Explain ways to effectively use technology as a communication tool in healthcare

    Unit 5: Get Well, Stay Well

    Healthcare professionals work to take care of health issues in patients, but they also provide patient education about preventive measures patients can use to avoid health issues. As we explore the concepts of health and well-being, we’ll look at methods people can use to identify aspects of wellness and improve their health and well-being. We’ll also discuss how healthcare workers need to remember and apply the concepts they’re teaching to patients in their own lives. As we’ll see, everyone needs to know how to get well and stay well!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the differences in health and wellness and the importance of development milestones

    • Describe the hierarchy of needs and its role in health and wellness

    • Analyze dimensions of wellness and strategies used to fulfill them

    • Identify complementary and alternative health practices and therapies

    Unit 6: Encountering Substance Abuse

    Substance abuse is a topic we frequently hear about in the news. Other than treating patients affected by substance abuse, this isn’t something we need to worry about, is it? Unfortunately, this question relays a common misconception about substance abuse. As healthcare professionals, although we do need to know how to provide care to patients affected by substance abuse, we also need to be aware of the risks of addiction ourselves. As we explore this topic, we’ll investigate how drug schedules help identify how addictive a particular drug is. We’ll also examine the anatomy and physiology of addiction, the effects of substance abuse, and treatment options. Let’s raise our awareness so we are better prepared to face this difficult topic.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define substance abuse and describe how substances are classified

    • Analyze the physiology and cycle of substance use disorder

    • Identify risk factors, warning signs, and the potential effects of substance abuse

    • Explain treatment options for substance use disorder

    Unit 7: Meet the Patient

    Although each healthcare professional specializes in job-specific skills required to perform their role on the team, some skills are universal and must be mastered before interacting with patients. Think about a time you had an appointment at a clinic or with a nurse practitioner or doctor. What did the medical assistant, nursing assistant, or dental assistant do before, during, and after interacting with you? Even though these skills often go unseen or are so much a part of the process we take them for granted, they help providers assess the patient and promote a safe environment. Let’s get ready to meet the patient!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the causes of infection and the role of hand hygiene in its prevention

    • Identify standard and transmission-based precautions

    • Analyze key factors that impact patient interactions

    • Explain how to measure vital signs and the normal ranges for each measurement

    Unit 8: Legal and Ethical Considerations

    Healthcare professionals learn skills specific to their profession, but did you know they are legally obligated to stay within certain guidelines? What tells them what they can or can’t do? As we explore these questions, we’ll investigate guiding principles and learn about legal and ethical considerations faced by healthcare providers. In addition, we’ll look at the consequences of unacceptable behavior.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain ethics and ethical behavioral standards for healthcare professionals

    • Describe legal aspects related to the duties of healthcare professionals

    • Identify healthcare regulatory agencies

    • Analyze the role of professional associations

    Required Materials

    • Video recording device

    • Paper and writing utensils

    • Art supplies


    • Recipe of choice

    • Presentation software

    • Word processing software

    • Slideshow software


    • Graphic design software

    • Audio recording device

    • Posterboard

    • Household supplies

    • Helper

  • You’ve built a solid foundation of knowledge of the healthcare field, and now it’s time to probe deeper into the healthcare profession. In this course, you’ll review key aspects of the broad category of safety as well as learn how to assess and treat patients for an array of injuries. You’ll learn how to identify emergencies, trauma, and complex care, and the basics of CPR and life support. Lastly, you’ll explore the importance of collaborating with other team members to manage and resolve conflicts. Let’s suit up to learn how you can positively impact patients in the field of healthcare.

    Unit 1: Safety in the Workplace

    We know healthcare professionals perform job-specific skills, communicate with patients, and exhibit compassion each day, but who is responsible for keeping patients safe? The answer may surprise you! Anyone working in a healthcare facility plays a role in keeping the environment safe for everyone: patients, workers, and visitors. As we explore what it takes to maintain a safe workplace, we’ll investigate the types of hazards in these environments and the actions we need to take to protect everyone.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe organizations that provide safety guidelines for healthcare institutions, along with examples of patient safety goals

    • Identify ways to comply with environmental safety guidelines

    • Explain types of hazardous materials and waste found within a healthcare facility

    • Analyze ways to reduce the healthcare worker’s risk of injury in the workplace

    Unit 2: Documentation

    Healthcare providers perform many job-specific tasks as they care for patients. One often overlooked but very important task is documentation. In the healthcare world, it’s often said that if something isn’t documented, it didn’t happen. When dealing with patient welfare, it’s critical to track every move taken throughout the care process to know what was done along the way. As we explore this topic, we’ll look at various types of documentation and methods to ensure accuracy no matter what profession you’re in.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Differentiate between paper and electronic record systems and identify the importance of health information technology

    • Describe security measures used to protect health information and how HIPAA influences this protection

    • Identify the parts of a medical record

    • Analyze other systems used when documenting health information

    Unit 3: On the Job

    Think about some of the job responsibilities of the allied health professionals we’ve learned about so far. Each profession has some skills unique to that field, while other skills overlap from one profession to another. As we begin to look at skills used in direct patient interaction, we’ll investigate those needed by all professionals, like patient admitting and discharge requirements, communicating effectively in various situations, and patient movement and positioning. After examining these types of skills, we’ll narrow our focus to more specific ones, like assisting patients with daily living tasks and assessing patients’ range of motion. Ready to get on the job? Let’s learn more about the skills you’ll need!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define functions related to patient admission, transfer, and discharge

    • Identify methods for moving patients for treatment or examination

    • Analyze patient positions and proper use of support devices

    • Describe skills related to assisting patients with activities of daily living

    Unit 4: Collaboration in Health Care

    Although most of the time we think about each healthcare professional as an individual performing functions independently, everyone in the medical world is part of a team. Think about how complex the human body is, with all of the systems working together to maintain everyday functions. Just like the various systems work together for a common goal, so do healthcare workers! No matter which healthcare profession you choose, being a valuable team member and knowing how to collaborate with other professionals puts you on the path to a successful career.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the members that make up a team and the principles of collaboration

    • Assess team dynamics, including team roles and the stages of team development

    • Analyze effective conflict resolution techniques in healthcare settings

    • Identify leadership skills of healthcare professionals

    Unit 5: Responding First

    From a scraped knee and a bee sting to foreign bodies and open wounds, healthcare workers need to learn all types of skills to care for patients outside and inside medical facilities. The steps they take to care for patients when injuries happen are all first aid. Although most of us know how to deal with minor issues like a scraped knee or bug bite, we may not know how to deal with other types of wounds. Healthcare professionals need to be prepared to not only respond to all types of injuries but also react when things don’t go as planned. As we explore what it takes to respond first, we’ll analyze the steps and the skills needed to care for patients in a variety of non-trauma situations.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define the role of healthcare professionals in providing first aid

    • Identify first aid skills used in treating bites, blisters, and bruises

    • Explain first aid skills used in treating cuts, foreign bodies, and puncture wounds

    • Describe the steps used when performing venipuncture

    Unit 6: Recognizing and Reacting to Emergencies

    Healthcare professionals of all specialties must be prepared to handle any type of emergency that arises inside and outside of a medical facility. To be ready to react, they need to understand and differentiate between what’s normal and what needs immediate attention. As we explore how to recognize an emergency, we’ll investigate how the body maintains its constant balance of biological and chemical processes. We’ll also examine the signs and symptoms to look for when that balance is disrupted. By recognizing these signs and symptoms, we’ll be ready to react with emergency treatments such as performing CPR, using an AED, and clearing airway obstructions.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain how the body works to maintain homeostasis

    • Identify normal and abnormal signs and symptoms as they relate to an emergency

    • Describe how to perform CPR and use an AED

    • Define the AHA chain of survival and how to dislodge a foreign body obstruction

    Unit 7: Trauma and Complex Care

    Do you have what it takes to think quickly and make complex decisions related to emergency situations? How well do you adapt when a situation changes or when something doesn’t go as planned? During our exploration into trauma and complex care, we’ll see how the body changes with various conditions and investigate ways to care for patients in different situations. Additionally, we’ll discover the importance of assessing each emergent situation and adjusting decisions to reach the best possible outcome for the patient. As we’re about to learn, treating trauma isn’t just about the condition, it’s about problem-solving and adapting to the situation.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define trauma and complex care along with the importance of critical thinking in these situations

    • Explain how blood flow conditions cause changes in the body that result in the need for emergent care

    • Describe the impact of exposure to heat or cold on the body

    • Identify types of bone and joint injuries as well as the first steps in treating them

    Unit 8: What’s Next?

    The world of health sciences includes a wide variety of occupations, making it possible for people to choose a career path best suited to their interests. The skills and educational training required for each career provide a foundation for pursuing that dream job. As we explore what’s next, we’ll review written and oral communication skills as they apply to the job search, including preparing application documents and interviewing. We’ll also focus on how to find job opportunities and narrow down that search. To complete the process, we’ll investigate training opportunities and the importance of staying active in the profession. With so much knowledge about health sciences, we’re ready to explore what’s next!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Research educational requirements and certification and licensure by profession and location

    • Create a resume and cover letter to prepare for employment opportunities

    • Complete steps in obtaining employment including conducting a job search, preparing for an interview, and completing employment procedures

    • Analyze the importance of professional organizations and potential areas of career advancement in the health sciences

    Required Materials


    • Video recording device

    • Writing supplies


    • Presentation software

    • Word processing software


    • Art supplies

    • Audio recording device

    • Colored pencils

    • Digital camera

    • Graphic design software

    • Helper

    • Household items

    • Image editing software

    • Printer

    • Video recording device

  • Getting to the root of medical issues and uncovering ailments is the core of the medical field. Are you drawn to the idea of being part of a team that helps identify diseases and health-related issues? Then the role of a medical lab assistant may be for you! In this course, you will learn what it takes to become a skilled medical lab assistant including understanding medical ethics, communicating with patients, performing blood draws and managing specimens, lab safety, and potential career paths! Grab your lab coat and latex gloves, and let’s draw some new knowledge to help others!

    Unit 1: Introduction to Medical Lab Assisting

    If you’re thinking about a career in health care, medical lab assisting could be just what you’re looking for. As the healthcare industry continues to grow, the demand for medical lab assistants increases. Medical laboratory assistants work in diagnostic labs, hospitals, clinics, and medical practices in every town, city, and part of the country. Unlike becoming a nurse or doctor, you can become a medical lab assistant in months, not years. Medical lab assistants work with a team of other healthcare professionals assisting in the diagnosis of patients and enjoy opportunities for financial and career growth. Sound interesting? Let’s get started!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the roles and responsibilities of a medical lab assistant

    • Identify the members of the clinical lab team, including roles, responsibilities, employment options, and training

    • Explain workplace options for the medical lab assistant

    • Distinguish between the education and requirements necessary for specific health careers, as well as career advancement opportunities for the medical lab assistant

    Unit 2: Medical Ethics and Professionalism

    In health care, difficult decisions are made each day. How does a medical laboratory assistant learn how to make the right decision? As we begin to explore patient care and what makes a lab work, we’ll look at the ethical codes, guidelines, and regulations that provide medical laboratory assistants a way to understand the day-to-day complexities they will encounter. These frameworks ensure a smoothly running lab where accountability, respect, and trust are developed between the MLA, their colleagues, and their patients.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the concepts of ethics and professionalism and how they relate to the medical lab assistant

    • Define the personal code of conduct of a medical lab assistant

    • Explain patient privacy as it is outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

    • Identify standards, regulations, and laws related to healthcare operations

    Unit 3: Communication and Medical Terminology

    Those who work in health care seem to speak their language. Communication is important in any industry but is especially important for those who deal with life and death. In a medical laboratory, effective communication is essential for receiving instructions about which tests are required, ensuring the correct patient and sample, and providing results at the right time to the right person. Communication is more than just talking—communication takes place when you answer the telephone, send an email, or call a physician with a lab result. It also takes place when you roll your eyes, look at your watch, or sit up in your chair and pay attention. An MLA will use communication every single day to convey information to patients and other members of the healthcare team.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the different types of communication utilized in a medical laboratory by an MLA during their daily work

    • Discuss the appropriate use of medical terminology in a medical laboratory setting

    • Describe methods of communication used to convey information in a laboratory setting, including written communication

    • Explain the appropriate use of requisition forms and barcode scanning in a medical laboratory

    • Identify the appropriate actions and communication required when responding to various medical emergencies in a healthcare setting

    Unit 4: Anatomy and Physiology

    An adult human body has about 100,000 miles of blood vessels. Sure, this is an interesting fact, but why is it important to understand? Of the 11 body systems, the circulatory system is the one an MLA will work with every day. It’s time to get up close and personal with the heart, blood vessels, blood, and more. Becoming familiar with the structures and functions of the human body will help you better understand illness and disease prevention. Recognizing which tests are needed for specific diseases and which body system is being evaluated by each test will help you on the job. A solid understanding of the human body is fundamental to any career in health care, but it’s essential to your success as an MLA.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the structure and function of all 11 body systems, including the action of the heart and how blood moves through the circulatory system

    • Explain each type of blood vessel and how blood is transported throughout the body

    • Describe the components of blood and how lab testing is used to diagnose select blood disorders

    • Explain homeostasis, hemostasis, and how coagulation disorders can disrupt homeostasis

    Unit 5: Safety and Infection Control

    Can you imagine a hospital where no one washes their hands? Where you can dispose of hazardous waste anywhere you please? Let’s hope not! Working in health care is rewarding and fulfilling, but it is not without risk. You will come into contact with certain hazards and infections in the workplace that could expose you or others to disease or injury. Knowing how to manage these risks and maintain a safe environment is essential to anyone working in health care. Are you ready to learn about dangers in the workplace, how infection spreads, how to safely handle hazardous materials, and how to protect yourself from possible contamination or infection? And what do you do if you are exposed to a disease or dangerous substance? Let’s look into the world of safety and infection control, where you play a key role in making your workspace a safer place for all.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Discuss workplace safety regulations and how standards and guidelines are used to ensure safety in a healthcare workplace

    • Explain how infection control measures are used to break the chain of infection and stop the spread of pathogens in a healthcare setting

    • Describe chemical hazards and explain the importance of safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances

    • Demonstrate the appropriate steps to take if exposure to a hazardous substance occurs

    Unit 6: Specimen Handling

    You may have heard the saying “A cook is only as good as their ingredients.” The same could be said about specimens: a specimen is only as good as the sample. A quality sample obtained by a conscientious MLA is the first step in determining the overall care of the patient. An MLA handles many different types of specimens as part of their job. You will be helping obtain them, but what happens once you have the specimen in the lab? How do you handle and store different types of specimens? Knowing how to safely handle specimens and keep the integrity of the specimen intact are the keys to obtaining accurate results, protecting you and others from possible exposure, and promoting overall safety in the medical laboratory.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe guidelines to follow to obtain a quality lab specimen

    • Identify the appropriate blood collection tubes for specific testing

    • Explain the purpose of blood cultures and the process for obtaining a blood culture

    • Discuss the process of blood banking, blood storage, and transfusions

    • Detail how to safely and accurately process, prepare, and package a lab specimen to be shipped

    Unit 7: Microbiology

    The study of microorganisms, called microbiology, has a long, rich history. The fascination with microorganisms was originally centered on how they caused infectious diseases. This is still an important consideration, but now the study has become much more robust and includes practical applications of the science. As an MLA, you will be working on the identification of different types of pathogens and assisting with specimen preparation to determine the causes of illness. Different techniques are used to identify different types of disease-causing microorganisms. A basic understanding of what these organisms are, how they reproduce, and how they contribute to disease will serve to help you in the preparation of specimens for medical laboratory testing.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify and differentiate types of microorganisms that cause disease in humans

    • Discuss characteristics of types of bacteria that cause infection in the human body

    • Explain procedures for isolating and identifying types of bacteria in a medical laboratory

    • Describe procedures for preparing slides of bacteria for microscopic examination

    Unit 8: Infectious Disease and Immunology

    Which creature is responsible for the most human deaths every year worldwide? Is it the great white shark? Or the king cobra? You might be surprised to learn that it is the humble mosquito! You have learned that microorganisms are on us, in us, and all around us. They inhabit every environment on the planet and can lead to many infections and illnesses. Since mosquitos feed on human and animal blood, they serve as a means of transmission of some of these pathogens, including some that cause deadly illnesses, from one person to another. Let’s learn about how specific microorganisms are isolated in a medical laboratory and how this information is used to control diseases caused by pathogens.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Discuss the study of pathogens and how bacterial sensitivity is determined

    • Differentiate types of fungi and describe how fungi cause disease

    • Describe viral illness and how viruses are identified in medical laboratories

    • Identify types of parasites and how parasitic illness is identified and treated

    • Explain the testing of human immunology in medical laboratories

    Required Materials


    • Calculator

    • Audio recording device

    • Video recording device

    • Paper and pencil

    • Crayons, colored pencils, or markers

    • Hand hygiene supplies (soap, towel, etc.)

    • Camera


    • Word processing software

    • Presentation software

    • Audio editing software


    • Infographic template or website


    • Flashcard template software

    • Graphic design software

  • You’ve pulled back the patient curtain and have learned the basics of the world of a medical assistant. Now, it’s time to dig deeper and peer into the anatomy of the role so you can determine which type of medical assistant best suits you. In this course, you will learn more about patient care and procedures, testing and care coordination, pharmacology and safety, reimbursement, and the law. You will also narrow your areas of interest, research organizations to shadow, and ultimately prepare for certification. Throw that curtain wide open, and let’s continue the pursuit of a medical assistant!

    Unit 1: Clinical Lab Procedures for MLAs

    When you step into a laboratory, you are surrounded by technology that has taken generations to develop. The hours spent perfecting the tools of the lab are evident from the microscopes to the beakers to the test strips. In the hands of trained laboratory personnel, these tools have led to medical breakthroughs that have cured diseases and extended human life. Learning how to perform the procedures of the laboratory is the first step in becoming part of this legacy. History is being made right now, so let’s jump in!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the departments that make up the medical laboratory

    • Discuss testing and troubleshooting blood samples in the medical laboratory

    • Summarize the use of glassware, pipettes, and testing supplies in the lab

    • Describe the features and functions of microscopes and centrifuges

    • Explain the purpose and mechanisms behind common POCTs

    Unit 2: Aseptic Technique and Sterilization

    Can you imagine surgeons not washing their hands before surgery? How would you feel if a scalpel fell on the floor right before it was used on a patient? Our concept of cleanliness and understanding of infections should give us pause at each of these scenarios, but this was not always the case. Surprisingly, controlling infections and microorganisms through cleaning is something that has only been understood for the last 200 years. Before then, surgeries would commonly lead to patients becoming infected. Understanding that pathogens are the cause of infections was a major step forward for medical science. The next step was to determine a way to stop these pathogens. Let’s learn more about aseptic techniques and sterilization on the job.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define asepsis and explain the processes involved in aseptic techniques

    • Describe the use of common chemicals and techniques used to disinfect

    • Explain the proper techniques used in the collection of blood

    • Identify specific methods used to sterilize tools in the medical laboratory

    • Detail aseptic technique as it relates to plating and streaking

    Unit 3: Quality Assurance and Control

    How valuable is a medical lab test if you can’t trust the results? What if a physician prescribes a medication based on a result from the lab that is not accurate? Patients place a large amount of trust in the medical system; they need to have confidence that their test results are accurate. Building a reliable system of medical testing does not happen by accident. It takes attention to detail and adherence to specific protocols, but it is possible to control and assure the quality of medical test results.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define quality assurance methods used in the medical laboratory

    • Describe the use of control samples and reagent controls

    • Explain quality control documentation practices

    • Detail the importance of leadership and effective communication in quality assurance

    • Identify the national oversight agencies involved with medical laboratories

    Unit 4: Clinical Chemistry

    We encounter chemistry every day of our lives. Our bodies are powered and guided by countless chemical reactions, often happening without our knowledge. By understanding chemistry, we can start to unlock mysteries about the human body. The laboratory becomes our tool in this process of discovery. Clinical chemistry gives us the ability to observe life in action.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define molar and normal solutions

    • Explain dilutions and serial dilutions and their purposes in clinical chemistry

    • Describe the process of titration and the role of pH and buffers in chemistry

    • Identify clinical chemistry tests and their normal results

    • Detail common evaluations performed in POCT

    Unit 5: Laboratory Measurements

    Much of our daily routines can be measured. From the weight of the food we eat and the volume of water we drink to the distance we walk, most of our activities can be recorded as a number, maybe even on your phone’s app. The same is true within the medical lab, but these tasks are so precise that we need additional tricks and tools to measure them. Through proper observation and calculations, we can begin to understand even the smallest reactions.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the instruments used to measure weight and the units in which they are recorded

    • Describe the calculation for determining total magnification and estimating specimen size

    • Detail the techniques used for pipetting and calculations related to concentrations

    • Define the three different systems used to measure temperature

    Unit 6: Practice Management

    Could you list each grooming or beauty product you regularly use and how much you have of each? How about cleaning products? School supplies? Do you keep a record of these, or have you thought about keeping one? Just like in our daily lives, supplies are essential for running a medical laboratory. Having methods to track, document, and reorder supplies in the lab helps to ensure we never run out when we need them. The lab also documents the testing that uses these supplies, so it can later be reimbursed for performing them. Maintaining accurate records and following administrative procedures ensures that even the busiest medical laboratories can operate efficiently and effectively.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the different categories of medical laboratory supplies

    • Explain the use of spreadsheets and databases for maintaining inventory

    • Define third-party payers

    • Describe the steps involved in using electronic billing software

    Unit 7: Applied Communication and Healthcare Dynamics

    How do you prefer to communicate with others? How much of what you say is based on the information you have heard? Interacting with other people involves an element of the unexpected. We still need to engage with others despite this fact. Having a few strategies and an understanding of how people may respond is useful. Couple this with an ability to solve problems and you are ready for whatever unknowns may come your way.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Apply active listening and non-verbal communication to healthcare situations

    • Explain the steps involved in professional communications

    • Detail the considerations when communicating with patients and medical providers

    • Describe the changes in the modern healthcare system

    • Identify elements of critical thinking and problem-solving

    Unit 8: Medical Records and Reports

    Have you ever felt differently about someone after you learned they had a disease? Imagine you were diagnosed with an illness; do you feel it should be your right to decide who is allowed to know about it? It is natural for people to have opinions when they learn medical information about others. Healthcare personnel follow specific procedures to ensure that this information is protected. Whether it is related to lab results or an accident in the workplace, information is power and must be handled with deliberate care.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the elements of the medical record entries

    • Summarize the regulations related to the release of medical records

    • Explain how electronic health records (EHR) are used in the medical laboratory

    • Detail the components of final reports and accident reports

    Required Materials


    • Digital camera

    • Video recording device

    • 16oz glasses – three

    • Baking soda – three teaspoons

    • Calculator

    • Containers – two

    • Disinfectant

    • Fluid (water, juice, or other)

    • Food packages with oven temperature instructions in Fahrenheit (°F) – two

    • Glass measuring cup or glass

    • Household items

    • Liquid solute (milk, juice, or other)

    • Masking tape

    • Measuring device

    • Measuring tool for teaspoons

    • Paper

    • Pen

    • PPE substitutes found at home (e.g., gloves, masks)

    • Ruler or measuring tape

    • Salt – one teaspoon

    • Spoons – two

    • Sterilization equipment or supplies

    • Straw or baster

    • USCS ruler or tape measure

    • Water (tap or distilled)

    • White bleached flour – one teaspoon

    • White distilled vinegar – two cups


    • Word processing software

    • Spreadsheet software


    • Access to a laundry facility

    • Timer


    • Phone

  • It takes the mind of a detective to uncover the cause of disease, and this is where your investigative brain and desire to heal people come in! In this course, you’ll build the foundational knowledge needed to understand disease in all forms along with signs, symptoms, and prevention. You’ll learn how medical professionals arrive at the right diagnosis that leads to proper treatment and a successful outcome. You’ll also sharpen your sleuthing skills by learning how to collect and work with data, develop and test hypotheses, and design a study, and you’ll even research potential STEM careers! Grab your detective hat and get ready to explore the tiny world of pathogens.

    Unit 1: From Bloodletting to Breakthroughs

    You need emergency medical care and two physicians are standing before you. The first wears a dirty faded tunic and offers you a cup of foul-smelling liquid. The second is adorned in a white coat, mask, and gloves and motions to a clean exam room. Which would you choose? This moment in time is a result of a long history of trial and error, discoveries, and setbacks. While not everything is yet understood about the dysfunctions of the body, we continue to study, learn, and improve.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Apply common terminology used in the field of pathophysiology

    • Describe the early understanding of pathophysiology

    • Discuss historical approaches to disease and treatment

    • Summarize the history of early medicine and associated regulatory laws

    • Identify the contributions of early discoveries in infection control

    Unit 2: It Starts with the Cell

    A single cell is alone in a seemingly endless ocean. Survival seems impossible until it discovers other cells. Through coordinated teamwork and communication, these cells can overcome the challenges in their environment. Today, billions of years later, our cells are still on a quest for survival. Their struggles are our struggles. Understanding our cells is understanding ourselves.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the pathogenesis of acute and chronic conditions

    • Identify the parts of the cell including the cell membrane and organelles

    • Explain the functions of various cell receptors and signaling processes

    • Summarize the four tissue types and the cell signaling processes

    Unit 3: Joining the Scientific Community

    A disaster is about to consume a town. The people’s fear and desperation are thick in the morning air. Suddenly, a sign of hope appears on the horizon. With thundering blades, a helicopter rapidly approaches the town carrying valuable cargo: scientists! Armed with level heads and effective strategies, scientists answer the call when humanity is in its darkest hours. Do you have what it takes to join them?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Explain the scientific method and the purpose of scientific models

    • Describe the process of scientific validation and the importance of ethical research

    • Summarize the communication methods of scientific findings

    • Explore a cross-disciplinary approach to problem-solving and potential STEM careers

    Unit 4: Welcome to the Laboratory

    Imagine you have arrived for a laboratory tour. You will observe strange substances in glass containers. You will catch a glimpse of microscopic life up close. You will even see some futuristic technology in action. And throughout it all, the science of detecting and treating pathology! Life-changing discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the world are all happening today in the lab. Let’s get started!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the components of a safe lab and the types of standard glassware

    • Summarize dissection and slide specimen preparation procedures

    • Contrast the different qualitative examination tools

    • Explain how the quantitative laboratory tools are used in scientific analysis

    • Describe the gel electrophoresis process and the purpose of sensor probes

    Unit 5: Data and Discussions

    It starts as just a feeling. Something is not right. Sometimes it is so subtle that it is unnoticeable until it can no longer be ignored. Though they may start differently, pathological conditions and diseases are usually the reason patients enter the medical system. Once inside, the healthcare team will need to form a diagnosis and implement treatment. These decisions can sometimes be life or death, and you have a front-row seat to see how they are made!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the required criteria for proper medical documentation

    • Summarize the units of the USCS and statistical concepts

    • Describe the elements of effective verbal and nonverbal communication

    • Explain the components of a research study and the process of peer review

    Unit 6: The Telling of Infectious Stories

    The door closes securely behind you; an audible click indicates the vacuum seal is in place. There is no shortage of engineering controls and precautions present on this hospital floor. Patients with the most serious infections come here for treatment. Fortunately, you are here today as a guest. You are about to learn about the infectious agents that demand this level of caution and how the body works to stop them. Be sure your PPEs are properly in place before you begin!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Summarize the parts of the phases and chain of infection

    • Describe the classifications of pathogens and identify examples of each

    • Explain the barriers present in the body’s innate immune system

    • Contrast non-specific and specific immune processes

    Unit 7: The Art of Treating Infections

    The battle between humans and pathogenic microorganisms is a story longer than written history. Survival of humanity has always been linked to controlling its environment, but the battlefield of pathogens takes place inside the body. How do we gather information about the enemy? How effective is medicine’s approach to this battle? Is humanity winning the battle? Prepare yourself for a deep dive into the war for wellness.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify types of bacteria based on shape and physical features

    • Summarize the methods of microscopy staining UV light examination

    • Describe the chemical and agar testing protocols for bacterial identification

    • Explain antibiotic mechanism, resistance, and best practices

    • Detail the anatomy of viruses and the functions of antiviral treatments

    Unit 8: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

    A fish, a cow, and a health official walk into a hospital. A nurse tells them all to put on masks. What do all these things have in common? At first glance, what may seem random is connected. Are you ready to learn just how widespread and interrelated infectious diseases are in the world?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the types and sources of infections and the related monitoring agencies

    • Describe the reasons, impacts, and preventions behind nosocomial infections

    • Explain the reasons for the emergence of infectious diseases

    • Summarize the public health efforts to control the spread of infectious diseases

    • Detail methods individuals can use to reduce the spread of pathogens

    Required Materials


    • Journal or notebook

    • Writing supplies


    • Word processing software

    • Presentation software


    • Audio recording device

    • Video recording device

    • Various household items


    • Graphic design software

    • Art supplies

    • Audio recording device

  • Now that you have a basic understanding of pathophysiology, it’s time to turn up the magnification on your microscope and get a good look at the most common body system disorders and diseases. In this course, you will examine the pathologies of common causes of mortality as well as other pervasive concerns tackling diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. You will investigate factors that contribute to disease like age, gender, heredity, and lifestyle, and then you’ll go global, looking at worldwide environmental concerns and world health challenges. Crank that magnification and let’s continue your exploration of this exciting science.

    Unit 1: Normal Physiological Mechanisms

    Most people use light switches automatically; without a thought, they flip the switch and expect the light to come on. When things happen so reliably it is easy to not really think about how they work. But no doubt a person would notice if they flipped the switch and nothing happened! This might make them pause to investigate the problem.

    How often do we only pay attention when things stop working? What if malfunctions are opportunities for us to pause and gain an understanding of the correct function? For example, could understanding the malfunctions of the body allow us to see how it is supposed to work? This unit introduces malfunctions of the human body that might give us a deeper understanding of pathophysiology.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Define homeostasis and the cells’ responses to stress

    • Summarize the inflammation process including the creation of prostaglandins

    • Identify the types of blood vessels and how the body controls them

    • Explain the forms and forces that create and move body fluids

    • Describe the methods of making ATP and controlling pH within the body

    Unit 2: Respiratory Pathology

    What is the longest you have ever held your breath? Did it become more difficult the longer you went? What did it feel like when you started breathing again? Try to imagine the feeling of not being able to get enough air. As you will learn, respiratory pathologies can change what daily life is like. Don’t hold your breath—now is the time to see these conditions in action!

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Summarize the respiratory structures and functions

    • Explain the physiological and pharmaceutical methods of respiratory control

    • Describe the pathophysiology of asthma and cystic fibrosis

    • Identify COPD conditions and contrast them with other respiratory conditions

    • Detail the processes of pneumothorax and pleural effusion

    Unit 3: Cardiovascular Pathology

    Here is a challenge: name your favorite song about the kidneys. How about this one: which liver emoji do you use the most? When it comes to organs in pop culture, few even come close to the heart. The heart is that consistent workhorse that quite literally keeps the body alive, so all the attention is well-earned. But just like any heartbreak song lyric will tell you, sometimes things go wrong. Ready to talk about heartache?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify essential cardiovascular anatomical structures and their functions

    • Detail the mechanisms controlling heart contraction and arrhythmias

    • Summarize the pathologies of the body’s blood vessels

    • Describe the types of congenital heart defects and pathophysiology of lupus

    • Analyze the body effects of myocardial infarction and heart failure

    Unit 4: Endocrine and Metabolic Pathologies

    Today, you will be responsible for building a house; however, while you must remain on Earth, the house is being built on Mars. By only sending signals to the distant building site, you are expected to have the house built and functioning properly. This may seem like a difficult task, but it is essentially the daily job of the endocrine system. It’s time to venture into the space where things can go wrong.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the physiologic mechanisms controlling the body’s endocrine functions

    • Identify the types, presentations, and complications of diabetes mellitus

    • Explain the functions of hormones involved in controlling blood chemistry

    • Summarize the complications resulting from diminished gonadal hormone levels

    Unit 5: Oncology

    Imagine you are a cell looking in the mirror. Everything looks familiar, but something is dreadfully wrong. You then realize that what stands before you is a mutated version of you. It has been altered and no longer acts like you. A second disturbing realization sinks in as you take a look around; there are thousands of copies of this mutant cell surrounding you. How did this happen and what can be done?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the phases and control methods of the cell cycle

    • Detail the history of cancer and the process of carcinogenesis

    • Contrast the normal cellular functions with those found in cancer cells

    • Summarize tumor classifications and cancer treatments

    • Identify methods to detect and prevent cancer

    Unit 6: The Dynamic Nervous System

    You have a decision before you. There is a complex mechanism that you need to understand, and there are two sets of instructions. The first describes the actual functioning of the mechanism, but it is in a language you can’t understand. The second is a relatable narrative story, but it is not fully accurate. Given the choice, which would you choose? Finding the truth behind how the nervous system functions will require you to walk the line between what is familiar and what is unknown. Are you ready for the journey?

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the electrochemical mechanisms of the nervous system

    • Summarize alterations in motor, sensory, and information processing

    • Explain the destructive natures of multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and stroke

    • Identify the pathophysiology present in chronic neural degeneration disorders

    • Contrast and recognize the characteristics of different mental illnesses

    Unit 7: Public Health Concerns

    You see her every day, the woman in your neighborhood walking her dog. She, like so many other people, makes up part of the community you live in. Even though you do not know her, her life impacts you. Thinking about the health of the world starts with extending our considerations to those in our communities. If we can learn to care about strangers, appreciating the role we all play in the health of the world becomes a little easier.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Describe the healing process and the factors that can interfere with it

    • Summarize the nature of pollution and its health effects on the body

    • Identify common toxins and the methods to limit exposures

    • Explain global health threats and proposed solutions

    Unit 8: Choosing Wellness

    Imagine you are reading a letter from the future that provides specific instructions for how to live well for another 100 years. Some of these instructions are a little tough to follow, but you are assured that compliance will lead to greater health. Would you follow the guidance of the letter? The actions you take today will have a major impact on your future life; having even a glimpse at how the present and future are connected be very useful.

    What will you learn in this unit?

    • Identify the physiologic and cultural barriers to personal change

    • Summarize the impact that stress, hormones, and hydration have on aging

    • Detail nutritional issues common in the United States and the means to overcome them

    • Explain the purpose and methods of effective physical activity

    Required Materials


    • Video recording device


    • Graphic design software

    • Word processing software


    • Art supplies

    • Digital camera

    • Audio recording device

    • Posterboard

    • Presentation software

    • Printer


Diploma in Allied Healthcare

Upon completion of this program, you will earn a Diploma in Allied Healthcare and be eligible to sit for the national certification exam or enroll in a certification exam prep program.

What You’ll Need:

Access to the Internet

Our classes are offered online. You will need access to a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device AND internet connection.

Basic Computer Skills

Course learning is accessible via the Learning Management System. For this, you will need to have basic computer skills.

High School Diploma

You will need to have a high school diploma, GED certificate, or equivalent to enroll in this program.

Get Started.

Fill out the form below to get started. An admissions counselor will reach out to you to complete your enrollment.